Thursday, 28 August 2014

Free Medical Invoice Template

The medical invoice is designed to keep track of hospital expenses for various functions. These include items such as out-patient procedures, follow-up visits and other similar events. 

There are spaces for the patient, name, age and address, the consultant, the assigned hospital number and other similar information. 

Ample room is provided for listing any items used, special services rendered, and other costs that might be incurred. 

There is space to provide the subtotal, tax rate, and other items such as insurance payments, deposits and insurance discounts. 

Built on a Word format, the invoice can be easily altered if necessary and the logo can be changed out.Download guide for Free printable medical invoice template.

Medical Invoice Format by Dotes,



Basic Format of Professional Business Invoice

The basic business invoice could be used for a small business that provides a service to its members. It provides room for all the billing and contact information. Spa is provided for a listing of all the services that are provided. This includes the number of hours spent on a particular task, the billable rate and the total costs. 

At the bottom, the amount is totaled and any necessary taxes or discounts that may be offered are applied. As always, the Dotxes logo can be replaced with a custom logo. Visit download guide for this basic invoice format.

Basic Invoice Format by Dotxes,


Hotel Invoice Template

Hotels entered data by computers to generate bills. The same can be done using the Hotel Billing template made in word. The top portion includes all the information about the guest. 

The next section keeps track of the expenses the guest will incur. It will also be noted if the expenses are being paid with a voucher, charged account, or credit card. 

Furthermore, on the bottom right side is a place for comments or special instructions. As noted, a computer can be set up to fill in these items or that can be entered manually if needed.

The bottom part of the invoice provides spaces for tax information and other information. How to download this invoice?

Hotel Invoice Template by Dotxes,


Free Billing Statement Invoice Template

This is a general-purpose invoice that could be used in many situations and would be especially helpful for vendors who are not fully computerized. The invoice lends itself to being used on a computer or completed manually. 

There is ample room to list the items that have been ordered for which payment is owed. In the lower-right corner, there are some simple instructions for the recipient to follow. In the left, corner is a summary of the company name, customer ID number, statement number, date, total due and amount enclosed. How to download this billing statement invoice?

Billing Statement Invoice Template by Dotxes,


Professional Billing Invoice Format

This is an invoice that would allow the entry of items that are ordered from a company or store. There are fields showing the invoice recipient and the merchandise to be shipped. The invoice allows plenty of room to enter the items, amount purchase, unit price, discount and final amount. The template will total the amounts, compute the taxes and provide a total. Please visit Search and download guide to download this invoice template.

Billing Invoice Template by Dotxes,

